Monday 26 October 2015

Flood of Bangladesh

Flood of Bangladesh


The unusual swelling of water that overflows the banks of the rivers is called flood. Flood is a natural calamity. It is a great devil for us Bangladesh, being a low-lying riparian country, falls victim to floods almost every year.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Fruits of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a beautiful homeland of a great variety of fruits. These fruits are both seasonal and all seasonal in nature. Kinds of fruits:there are many kinds’ fruits in Bangladesh. Fruits are of different colors, sizes and taste. Some are solid while some are juicy.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Flowers of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a land of flowers. Everybody lives flowers. A flower is a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty is joy forever. Flowers are one of them. Bangladesh is a land of flowers and beauty. Flowers lend smell, beauty, charm and colour to the land. Various kings of flowers bloom all the year round.

Birds of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a home of different kinds of birds where different various kinds of birds are found. They differ in size, color, and habit. Again, different kinds of birds are classified into different groups. They are singing birds, talking birds, game birds, tailor birds, migratory birds, domestic birds, wild birds etc. Generally, the birds are divided into two parts – one is seasonal bird and another is common bird. The cow is the most familiar and common bird in Bangladesh. It belongs to the class of teasing birds. It is very ugly to look at. Its voice is harsh too.

Rivers of Bangladesh


Water is Bangladesh’s blessing and curse. For nearly half the year, the monsoon rains cause the country’s three major rivers, the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna, and their tributaries to swell. Devastating floods are often the consequence. During the rest of the year, the dry season brings almost no rainfall, and droughts threaten the livelihoods of people and the health of the natural environment.

Seasons of Bangladesh


There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Each season has its own features. We hear new sounds and enjoy new scenes in each season. Nowhere in the world are the six seasons so sharply el as in Bangladesh. Everything changes. The people also feel different in each season. They forget the monotony of life and start their daily work anew.

Liberation War of Bangladesh


Freedom is the birth right of man. But freedom does not come down on a nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Bangladesh experienced about 190 years of long British colonial rule that ended up in 1947 with the partition of Indian subcontinent and birth of two independent states viz, India and Pakistan. Bangladesh became a Pakistani rules created grievances and resentment among the people of East Pakistan. They rose again and revolted against the Pakistan oppressors. This time they rose for complete break up with Pakistan and voiced for an independent nation. The result is a nine month-long armed struggle against Pakistani occupation forces that culminated in the birth of Bangladesh as a free and sovereign nation in the world.