Tuesday 20 October 2015

Fruits of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a beautiful homeland of a great variety of fruits. These fruits are both seasonal and all seasonal in nature. Kinds of fruits:there are many kinds’ fruits in Bangladesh. Fruits are of different colors, sizes and taste. Some are solid while some are juicy.

The mango is the king of fruits. It is of many kinds- Fazli, Langra, Mohonbhog, Gopalbhog, Sitabhog etc. The best kinds of mangoes grow in Rejshahi, Chapai Nowabgonj and Bogra. They are famous for their taste, Flavor and sweetness. Ordinary mangoes are more or, less found in almost every part of our country.

The jack fruit is the largest of all fruits. A large- sized jack fruit sometimes weighs about a mound. It has a rough and prickly skin. It is a composite fruit. It is our national fruit. It is very juicy and tasty. Its stones are used as an item in our food menu. It grows largely in Dhaka, Faridpur, Mymensingh and Sylhet.

Then Comes the pineapple. It is found in large quantity during the rainy season. It is full of kind of wonderful juice. It is highly palatable and health- giving. It grows best in Sylhet and Chittagong, it is said that a glass of pine-apple juice in the morning keeps the doctor far-far away.

The coconut is a most common fruit of Bangladesh. Its water is very sweet to drink and its Karnel is very tasteful to eat. Ti is used in multiple purposes. It is mainly used in preparing coconut oil. It is also used in preparing different kinds of cakes. It grows best in the coastal districts of Khulna, Barisal, Patuakhali and Noakhali.

Banana: it is also a most popular fruit of our country. It is a nice fruit. It is as delicious as nutritious. It has different varieties such as the amritasagar, the Shabri, the Kabri, the Agniswar etc. Its green kind is used as kitchen vegetables. It is in much demand throughout the year. It grows all the year round and almost everywhere in our country. It grows best in Mymensingh and Munsigonj.

The pawpaw is delicious nutritious fruit. It keeps our liver function active. The raw pawpaw is used as an item in our food menu. The pawpaw grows in all districts and in all seasons.

There are other many popular Fruits in Bangladesh than are described above. Orange, Lichi, plum, guava, black berries, dates, palms, Dalim are all very popular fruits of Bangladesh. The orange is juicy and sweet fruit. It grows only in Sylhet. Plum is available in every part of Bangladesh.

The importance of cultivating fruits needs no telling. It is a must for the health and wealth of the country. Efforts are being made in different parts of the country. Efforts are being made in different parts of the country to cultivate various kinds of fruits; industries have been set up for processing and exporting them to foreign countries.

The economic value of fruits can never be underestimated. Fruits are an important wealth of our country. They help us grow our health. A great variety of tonics, syrups, jams and jellies are made from fruits. These things have great demand in the market throughout the year. A large number of people of our country earn their living by selling and cultivation different kinds of fruits. Thus is helps us greatly to redress the unemployment problem of our country.

Fruits are really a wonderful gift of Allah (god). We should make all- out efforts to increase the fruit production of our country.

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