Saturday 17 October 2015

Liberation War of Bangladesh


Freedom is the birth right of man. But freedom does not come down on a nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Bangladesh experienced about 190 years of long British colonial rule that ended up in 1947 with the partition of Indian subcontinent and birth of two independent states viz, India and Pakistan. Bangladesh became a Pakistani rules created grievances and resentment among the people of East Pakistan. They rose again and revolted against the Pakistan oppressors. This time they rose for complete break up with Pakistan and voiced for an independent nation. The result is a nine month-long armed struggle against Pakistani occupation forces that culminated in the birth of Bangladesh as a free and sovereign nation in the world.

The most glorious and the greatest achievement for Bangladesh in the last century has been its birth as an independent nation. Bangladesh won a flag, an identity and occupied a place in the world’s map. Bangladesh became a free and independent nation and stood upright and with dignity and honour among the nations of the world. But Bangladesh had to pay heavy price for its independence. About three millions of lives have been sacrificed in the war of liberation. Many heroic sons of this soil fought bravely and achieved martyredom to liberate their country. The country’s infrastructure, communication industry and assets were destroyed in the war.

The main reason for which the nation fought for the liberation against Pakistan was the audacity and denial of the Pakistan rules to recognize the electoral triumph of the Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the 1970. As a result the Bengalis stood up and demanded independence.

The causes of our liberation war are rooted in the social discrimination, political deprivation and economic exploitation. The people of this region had long been exploited by the Pakistan authorities like the colonial period. The Bengalis were treated like second class citizen in their own country. They were discriminated in govt. service, in business and in getting govt. right and privileges. These created anger and resentment among Bengalis.

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